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Best Electric Razors 2017

Everything you Ought to Know before buying A best electric shaver requires break-in time--maybe not for the product, but for your face. For reasons
which range from the scientific to the arcane, if you're switching from a manual to an electrical, or

even from a electrical style to another, you will normally have to give your skin two weeks to adapt
to the new instrument. The odd thing is we couldn't figure out exactly why this break-in period is
necessary. Can it be your face? Your personality? Or the razor itself? Various sources give different
answers, ranging from "practice" your skin as it adjust from curing the scratches caused by a manual
razor compared to this pulling/shearing of electrics; others state that the matter is the users
themselves. We did a literature search and found no academic research on this issue, so suffice it to
say , for all our testers, the break-in period was real. That means your first electric shaves will
be patchy and probably painful, and you should not touch up things with a manual sander (that defeats
the goal of the break-in period). All major shaver manufacturers offer 30- to 60-day money back
guarantees, and we advise that you give your brand new shaver time to reach peak performance and not
be shy about asking that refund if it doesn't.2

And it may not prove to be best for you, based on what type of beard you've got and how close you
want your shave to be. Though most manufacturers insist that their electric products may smooth your
face in addition to a conventional blade (and this might be true for some men), the physiological
mechanisms of how electric shavers actually remove your stubble creates a proximity limit that some
users will certainly notice, especially if compared to guide razors.

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Non-powered shavers, whether an conservative, single-blade straight border or an ain't-this-
ridiculous seven-blade contemporary non-marvel, all function under a simple principle: a sharp blade
glides across your face and slices your whiskers close to the epidermis. (We tested manual razors
last year; our pick is here.) But no matter how many blades that your guide razor boasts, the basic
mechanics--a knife-like slicing--remain the same.
Electric shavers work on a totally different principle. Foil-based systems utilize one or more
cutting blocks mounted under the thin metallic head. The foil's perforations direct the whiskers to
the cube, where a pair of opposing blades slit off them. The action is similar to a pair of scissors
than a knife. Rotary shavers utilize comparable perforated surfaces to guide the whisker toward their
cutters, but instead of snipping, hundreds of small blades use a circular motion; imagine that the
spinning disk of a vehicle wax adjuster--but with teeth--and you'll get the idea.

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